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Doug Merkel


Saturday March 20th, was the first day of spring and a perfect day to spruce up Patoka Lake. 20 volunteers came to Painter Creek Boat Ramp and did their part to clean up the winter trash along the shorelines and the highway from 10 am until noon. 635 pounds of trash was picked

up and disposed of in a dumpster provided by Velpen Disposal. Thank you goes out to the Patoka Lake Watershed Committee members: DNR Representative Dana Reckelhoff, Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District Representative Judi Brown, US Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger James Merkley, and Patoka Lake Regional Water and Sewer District’s Representative Doug Merkel. A special thank you goes out to the kayak club for bringing most of the volunteers and all the people who took their Saturday morning to make a difference. Stay tuned for more information on our late summer Patoka Lake cleanup event for your chance to help.

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